Wednesday, June 6, 2007

First ultrasound

So, I had my first ultrasound this morning.

Even though my LMP (last menstrual period) was 4/10, I know I ovulated late. My best guess is that my EDD (due date) is somewhere around 1/25/2008. That would put me at about 6 weeks, 5 days according to my tickers (see right).

I went in for a dating ultrasound this morning just to make sure everything was all fine and dandy and to confirm the fact that I'm right about the late ovulation and all. According to the tech, I'm only measuring 5 weeks 5 days. Unless I'm doing my math wrong, that would mean that the faint positive test I got on Mother's Day was only a few days (if that) after ovulation, which is impossible. That would also mean that I got the very dark and convincing positive tests at around 10 DPO (days past ovulation). Seems unlikely to me...

The weird thing is that even though I'm supposedly only 5 weeks 5 days, they did see a "flicker of a heartbeat". I saw it too.

The tech was in a hurry as they seemed to be running about 35 minutes behind schedule. Perhaps she mismeasured in her haste?

Despite my protesting that the dates don't make any sense, they said don't worry, everything looks fine, and seeing a heartbeat is always a good sign.

Also, they said I have a very, very small subchorionic hemorrhage. I guess it's not uncommon and is nothing to fret about. She made a point of saying over and over again how tiny it is, so I guess I'll try not to think too much about it.

In a way, I'm lucky to have it because I get another ultrasound on July 5th to make sure it's healing itself.

Even so, it's going to be a loooooong four-week wait.

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