Thursday, May 31, 2007


Backyard, Etsy, and more...

This is a little bit of old news, but we're finally getting our backyard finished. The thing that stinks about moving into a brand spankin' new house is that the backyard that comes with it is usually plain old dirt. If you're unfortunate enough to live in Arizona, you get sandy dirt. Yuck!
But, alas, a mere year and two months later, our backyard is finally starting to come together. We have irrigation, trees, curbing, and rocks. Hoooray!

Don't mind the random stuff thrown about in a haphazard manner... It's still a work in progress! The dirt patch will soon be filled with grass (most likely fake grass because real grass is a b!tch to care for in Arizona).

click for bigger

In other news, I've been channeling my inner designer lately and am having some great fun with Photoshop. I'm working on getting some designs ready to put on on Cafepress, and I did the banner for my super-cool friend's Etsy Store. She sells awesome gift bags that aren't all covered with bottles for all of us breastfeeding mamas out there. Keep in mind that by default programmers are not good at design while you're viewing my attempt at art.

Lastly, here's your interesting Ellie factoid of the day. Her newest word is "W". We often play with foam letters during bath time. She likes to place each letter on the side of the tub as we tell her the letter's name. Many times she attempts to say the letter's name too. Most of the time it comes out as unrecognizable babble, but the other night she mastered her version of the letter "bubble-yew".

Friday, May 25, 2007


Raise of joy!

We found out a while ago that in July Kevin is going to be promoted at his job to the title of Library Coordinator. Along with that promotion comes a pay raise, but he wasn't told the amount until today. Tentatively, they will be almost doubling his current pay! Hooooooooray! :D

First "real" post!

Woo hoo, I have time to post!

So much to catch up on...

Firstly, I had my first OB appointment this week. Yes, I know it's WAY early, but after what happened in January, I'm more than a little freaked out this time around. The nurse practitioner was so very nice. They did a test just to confirm, and surprise, it was positive! Wooo! (FYI, my doctor's office uses tests identical to those $1 tests they sell at Dollar Tree stores. So if you ever find yourself thinking "OMFG, a pregnancy test costs how much?!" rest assured that the cheapy Dollar Tree brand are just as good.) They also took some blood to run some fun tests on. I have no idea what they're testing for, but I haven't gotten any ominous calls yet, so I won't worry about it too much.

On the work front things are going well. I'm nearing completion of a rather largish project, so that's always lovely. For the few of you tech people who may or may not be reading this, it's a monthly report writing system that employs awesome AJAX technology... it's all slick and autosaving and cool.

At home, things are also nice and happy. Ellie is awesome, and becomes more fun to be around every day. Her latest word... booger. Ha! And yes, she knows what it means and will demonstrate this by sticking her finger up her nose as she says it. No, I do not know where she learned this, but I can't help but crack up. 14-month-olds are a riot!

In other Ellie news, according to my mother-in-law, Ellie thinks I resemble a 40-year-old Judy Garland. Apparently yesterday Ellie was carrying around the cover to one of the Judy Garland Show DVD sets I have (which can be seen here), and kept pointing while saying "Mama! Mama!". I'm rather miffed by this as I think I look NOTHING like this said picture of Miss Garland. Perhaps she was just trying to get the point across that the DVD set in question was 100% Mommy's since Daddy would not be caught dead owning such a thing. Although, when she looks at Kevin's Justice League sets, she does not say Daddy, but usually points to Batman and utters "Bah-mah". Toddlers are weird.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Blog stylin'

So I'm not really digging my blog style yet. I'm not crazy about any of the default templates, and I can't find any templates to download online that I really love either. So, for the time being, until I have a chance to create me own custom template, it is what it is.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Best Mother's day gift!

What better way to start off my new blog than to post a (bad) picture of the awesome Mother's Day gift I got this year?

(click for bigger)

Yaaaay!!!! :D

(Edited to add: In case you're like "What? I don't see a second line there..." in the pic above, here is some more convincing proof. :))