Friday, December 21, 2007


20 weeks

So, the verdict is in.

It's a BOY!

We went in for the 20 week ultrasound a couple of days ago. All major organs and such are all looking great, or so I'm told. There is one small issue of his abdominal circumference measuring a little on the low side. I have to go back in on the 26th for a level II scan. *Fingers crossed* that it turns out to be nothing.

Also this week I randomly threw up again on Thursday morning for the first time in weeks. I think the ultrasound reminded my body that it's pregnant and I'm supposed to be sick. Even so, that only makes about 5 times total throwing up this time around. That is infinitely better than what I had with Ellie, so I'll gladly take it.

There's a lot going on in the fetal movement front lately. I can feel him wiggling around quite a bit throughout the day these days. Apparently his favorite time to be active seems to be somewhere between 2am and 4am, unfortunately. Here's hoping that changes before he's born.

And now for the obligatory ultrasound pictures.

Cute nose and lips

Little boy parts

Alien face. Ellie thinks this looks like our greyhound Freya or a dinosaur.

His profile. Ellie thinks this looks like a hat.

Two little baby feet

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


17 weeks 4 days

Oops! It appears that I've missed a couple weeks here. I blame missing 16 weeks on the holiday. I really have no excuse for missing the 17 week post, so I'm going to blame it on pregnancy brain.

Anywho, I had a doctor's appointment back at 15wd5. Everything looked great! I've only gained a pound so far (well, as of then), but no one mentioned anything about it so I'm not going to worry. I'm certainly eating enough, so I guess my body just doesn't need that extra weight just yet.

The heartbeat measured 150 bpm, a little bit slower than the previous readings of 158 bpm.

The next appointment is scheduled for December 19th. Part of that appointment will be the "Big" Ultrasound. We should find out if we're going to be recycling all the pink in our house or heading out to buy some blue.

Speaking of pink vs. blue, I had my first real pregnancy dream the other night. It was such a bizarre dream, so I'm not sure if I want to count it as intuitive or not. I was for whatever reason at an internet acquaintance's house with my two-day-old baby BOY. Oddly enough, my two-day-old infant seemed to have already grasped limited speech. He was already asking for milk, hugs, etc... The "best" part was when I accidentally flashed said internet acquaintance's husband while trying to discreetly nurse in the wrap I'm planning to get before the new baby arrives. Oops!

Little Sprout seems to have grown enough by this point where I can feel daily wiggles, kicks, rolls, etc... I love it. :)

There's one more monumental announcement to make since my last post. We've finally told the family about the baby. It's about time,right?