Friday, November 9, 2007

14 weeks

I decided that it might be a good idea to start doing a weekly pregnancy journal sort of thing. My memories of pregnancy with Ellie are so vague... I'd like to have more to look back on this time about how I was feeling at any given time and what not.

So yeah, I'm officially 14 weeks today! Look at that gorgeous baby-looking thing in my little sidebar widget. It's so cool that everything is actually baby shaped at this point. :)

The morning sickness seems to be getting a little better, but it's definitely still there. Food aversions are still alive and strong, as are cravings for any and all junk food. I've still only thrown up 3 times so far (with an additional bought of dry heaving that wasn't much fun either). This past Monday Ellie got to witness my sickiness for the first time. She looked absolutely horrified while it was happening, but seemed to forget about it almost instantly afterwards.

FYI, waffles and OJ don't taste nearly as good coming back up as they do going down. Also, waffle chunks clog sinks (Ellie was blocking the toilet, I had no choice).

Moving on.

I'm at that yucky, just look fat(ter) stage right now. Certainly not showing with cute little roundness... just chubbier. Maybe once the babyness is distinguishable from stomach flab I'll start taking pictures. I didn't take any pictures with Ellie, and I really regret it.

I swear I've been feeling tiny little movements for the past couple weeks or so. It's not really like soft butterfly movements... more like tiny little jabs, no stronger than a light finger flick, but on the inside. I really don't think it's gas, although it is still very early for feeling actual movement. I hadn't felt anything for a day or two, until I started typing this... so who knows, it may all be in my head after all.

I can't wait until I'm feeling for real, no doubt about it, kicks, punches, rolls, and more. That's definitely my favorite part of pregnancy (and all this time you probably thought it was the vomiting). That constant movement is such a nice reminder that the little bean is there and doing well.

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