Well, I guess he does want it back... because he decided to get me my own as an early Christmas present. YAYAYAYAY! I tried to explain that what with Kevin's recent raises (they nearly doubled his salary back in July, and as of last week he got another promotion and a $5k/year raise) we could afford to get one ourselves with a little saving, but my Dad insisted. My parents rock (and not just because they buy me awesome stuff).
So, instead of saving up for a camera, now I have to find something else to save for using my small monthly budget of fun money. I think I might want a nifty cool double stroller. We never really used a stroller when Ellie was little... but since she's gotten so heavy and I've been so tired/lazy lately to wear her much, we've been relying on it more than usual. Plus, it's really a lovely thing to have for theme parks, airports, etc... Hopefully we'll be doing a lot more vacationing next year now that we'll be able to swing it financially.
I think I want this one, the Phil and Ted Sport with the doubles kit:

I know a few people that have it, and they all seem to love it. I love the fact that you can fit two, but it's not big and bulky like some of the other double strollers out there. Also, you can configure it so many different ways. Too bad it's just a little bit pricey (that's the understatement of the century)... although less than the camera I was saving for. I'm a little wary of spending that much on a stroller since it wasn't really something we used much until very recently.
I suppose for now I'll just save my money and continue to mull it over.
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