Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The gadget geek in me

I finally replace my old, crappy phone with a new one. Woo! I've been coveting a phone that would make texting a lot easier, but they were always so expensive that I always passed them over for another plain old phone.

Well, once I found out what an awesome deal I could get this time around, I finally got myself one of these:

It's so freaking cool! I like to text, but it's such a PITA trying to type using the regular keypad. This phone flips open to reveal a nifty little keyboard inside. Sweeeeet! It also has a decent camera (for a phone) and just about every other feature that I like in a cell phone. It's certainly not the World's smallest cell phone (skip to 0:35 unless you like Mr. Farrell in a thong), but it's not too bad.

Sure, it's not as cool as an iPhone, but it also wasn't $500+.

It makes me happy. :)

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