Friday, August 1, 2008


Little cute things

Just a tiny update on the happenings of the past few days. We haven't really done much outside of the norm. Today we went to the park, which was fun albeit HOT. Whoever decided it was a good idea to live in Arizona is an idiot (oh wait... that was me...). Ellie had a fabulous time. She played fabulously with the other children there. My favorite was when she attached herself to a one-year-old boy and spent about 15 minutes following him around and mothering him. She even pushed him in a swing and kept reminding him to "hold on tight". She's such a good little mother. Hopefully that love and compassion will still be there when Alexander is older.

Something cute today that I want to remember... For whatever reason I was inspired to give the kitchen/dining room floor a good cleaning. So I got down on my hands and knees with some rags and was scrubbing all the spits that regular swiffering doesn't seem to get rid of. While I was down there I was also scratching away at the 732 paint drips left by my father-in-law when he painted that room for us. Any time I clean Ellie HAS to help. She's quite the little helper these days. She noticed me scratching the floor and wanted to do the same. She also kept finding her own "itchy spots" to scratch away.

She's also still 100% for using the potty! The only accident happened yesterday when she forgot to pull down her underwear before peeing on the potty. Considering all the other type of accidents that could have happened, I'll take wet undies and pee in the potty over those any day. Yay for Ellie!

And just because she's gorgeous, here's a picture of my sweet little girl taken yesterday with my Dad's new lens. I have to get me one of those.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008


An Alexander update

I can't believe he's already 2.5 months old. The time has just FLOWN by. Things were a bit rough at first, but we've finally found out groove (just in time for me to go back to work in a week and a half... *sigh).

Lately he's all about making faces. He has a wide variety of expressions down. What a cutie.

Poor, sad Alexander Alexander yelling at me to stop with the camera already

Alexander is not amused Smiley Alexander

Put 'em up Alexander is much happier after he's been flipped over

Yay for underpants!

I said before that I was going to get back to blogging... well, I really mean it this time. I want to have a record of important days in the kids' lives and such, so here we go.

Today, July 29th, 2008, was Ellie's very first diaper-free, no-accidents day! I'm so proud of my little girl.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


The blog comes alive again... post a link to a super cool contest.

Win the Essential Babywearing Stash from Along for the Ride (one Beco Butterfly, one Hotsling baby pouch, one BabyHawk Mei Tai, one Zolowear Ring Sling, and one Gypsy Mama Wrap)

I really do want to get back into blogging if for nothing else than to use it as sort of a personal journal to look back on what I've done on a particular day.

Friday, March 14, 2008


A month worth of updates

As usual, I've been very, very bad about updating. *sigh* Maybe someday I'll actually get some blogging motivation. Until then, once a month seems to be about all I get to. So, here's a month worth of updates for you.

Chicago trip

Our trip to Chicago in February went well. We had lots of fun visiting friends and family there. Ellie also got to play in the snow for the first time ever. I was going to pick out some of the best pics and post them here, but I think I'll just use this little widget thing instead because I'm lazy today. :) If you'd rather browse through them on Flickr, the set can be found here.

The baby:

Only 8 weeks to go! AAAAAH!

All went well with the glucose test a few weeks ago. Hooray! I had another ultrasound a couple weeks ago, and all is looking good with that as well. They're still a little concerned about his growth, so I have to go back for another ultrasound in 2 weeks. I think it's good that he went up in percentiles from my 20 week ultrasound, but they're still concerned that he seems to be weighing in around the 18th percentile. Then again this is the same doctor that told me Ellie was going to weigh over 10 pounds at birth, and she came out a whopping 7 pounds 6 ounces. I'm half expecting this baby to be over 10 pounds now that they're making a big deal about how small he is. ;)

Here are some pictures from the last ultrasound (also seen here on Flickr). Isn't he cute?

Ellie's birthday:

It's official... I'm now the mother of a two-year-old! Ellie had a big birthday party while we were visiting in Illinois, and a very small get together with grandparents back here in Arizona on her actual birthday. She seemed to have a great time, and is definitely enjoying her new dollhouse, courtesy of me and Kevin. :)

Checking out her new dollhouse

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


28 weeks already! How did that happen?

Well, clearly I've missed over a month of updates. Yikes! You'd think since I sit in front of a computer for at least 40 hours a week I'd be posting up a little something here or there. I don't know why, but I just can't get blogging motivation. Perhaps if my life was more interesting, I'd be more likely to post about it... perhaps...

Anyway, almost 28 weeks already! WOW! Where did the time go?

I had a checkup this morning, and all is well. I also had the yucky glucose test, which I haven't heard back about, but hopefully that will come back within the normal range. Everything is measuring nicely, and the baby had a heart rate of 140. I think he must have been taking a little snooze after all the grooving he did to the music in the car on the way there.

I'm already at the point where instead of monthly appointments I get to go every two weeks now. FUN! Luckily I get to have another peek at the baby via ultrasound at the next appointment. I'm excited to see if he's still growing well (certainly feels like he is!), if he's still looking like a boy, etc... :)

In other fun news, we're leaving for Chicago in the morning. Yippie! Wish me luck on the 3.5ish hour flight with an almost 2 year old. That's always an adventure. Hopefully when we return a week later I'll have lots of exciting stories and pictures to post. :)

Friday, January 4, 2008


22 weeks

As usual, I've been slacking off with the update posts. This time I blame the holidays.

I can't believe I'm more than halfway there already. Where does the time go?

I went in as planned on Dec. 26th for the level II ultrasound. After waiting over an hour past my appointment time (GRRR!), I was finally taken back. Luckily both the ultrasound technician (not sure of what her exact title would be) and the perinatologist both agreed that everything looks fine and dandy on all accounts. Woo hoo! Both also agreed that he still looks like a boy.

Luckily all traces of morning sickness seem to have gone now. I've been feeling pretty good (minus a nasty cold) for a couple weeks now. Hooray!

Things are getting even busier on the movement front these past few weeks. I'm convinced he's throwing little dance parties in there in the middle of the night. Also, today he's been using my bladder as a trampoline. That's nice and comfy. If he's this active now, I can't even imagine what things will be like in another 15 weeks or so. Yikes!

And now for the obligatory ultrasound pictures from the level II scan.

He's still a boy

These are the legs that are constantly kicking me in uncomfortable places

He looks a little like Ellie here... sort of. :)

Isn't he cute?