Something cute today that I want to remember... For whatever reason I was inspired to give the kitchen/dining room floor a good cleaning. So I got down on my hands and knees with some rags and was scrubbing all the spits that regular swiffering doesn't seem to get rid of. While I was down there I was also scratching away at the 732 paint drips left by my father-in-law when he painted that room for us. Any time I clean Ellie HAS to help. She's quite the little helper these days. She noticed me scratching the floor and wanted to do the same. She also kept finding her own "itchy spots" to scratch away.
She's also still 100% for using the potty! The only accident happened yesterday when she forgot to pull down her underwear before peeing on the potty. Considering all the other type of accidents that could have happened, I'll take wet undies and pee in the potty over those any day. Yay for Ellie!
And just because she's gorgeous, here's a picture of my sweet little girl taken yesterday with my Dad's new lens. I have to get me one of those.

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