Chicago trip
Our trip to Chicago in February went well. We had lots of fun visiting friends and family there. Ellie also got to play in the snow for the first time ever. I was going to pick out some of the best pics and post them here, but I think I'll just use this little widget thing instead because I'm lazy today. :) If you'd rather browse through them on Flickr, the set can be found here.
The baby:
Only 8 weeks to go! AAAAAH!
All went well with the glucose test a few weeks ago. Hooray! I had another ultrasound a couple weeks ago, and all is looking good with that as well. They're still a little concerned about his growth, so I have to go back for another ultrasound in 2 weeks. I think it's good that he went up in percentiles from my 20 week ultrasound, but they're still concerned that he seems to be weighing in around the 18th percentile. Then again this is the same doctor that told me Ellie was going to weigh over 10 pounds at birth, and she came out a whopping 7 pounds 6 ounces. I'm half expecting this baby to be over 10 pounds now that they're making a big deal about how small he is. ;)
Here are some pictures from the last ultrasound (also seen here on Flickr). Isn't he cute?
Ellie's birthday:
It's official... I'm now the mother of a two-year-old! Ellie had a big birthday party while we were visiting in Illinois, and a very small get together with grandparents back here in Arizona on her actual birthday. She seemed to have a great time, and is definitely enjoying her new dollhouse, courtesy of me and Kevin. :)

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