Well, clearly I've missed over a month of updates. Yikes! You'd think since I sit in front of a computer for at least 40 hours a week I'd be posting up a little something here or there. I don't know why, but I just can't get blogging motivation. Perhaps if my life was more interesting, I'd be more likely to post about it... perhaps...
Anyway, almost 28 weeks already! WOW! Where did the time go?
I had a checkup this morning, and all is well. I also had the yucky glucose test, which I haven't heard back about, but hopefully that will come back within the normal range. Everything is measuring nicely, and the baby had a heart rate of 140. I think he must have been taking a little snooze after all the grooving he did to the music in the car on the way there.
I'm already at the point where instead of monthly appointments I get to go every two weeks now. FUN! Luckily I get to have another peek at the baby via ultrasound at the next appointment. I'm excited to see if he's still growing well (certainly feels like he is!), if he's still looking like a boy, etc... :)
In other fun news, we're leaving for Chicago in the morning. Yippie! Wish me luck on the 3.5ish hour flight with an almost 2 year old. That's always an adventure. Hopefully when we return a week later I'll have lots of exciting stories and pictures to post. :)