Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Bad habits

Per usual I've slacked off when it comes to updating this thing. In my defense, we have been gone much of the past month. We spent the first couple weeks of September in Illinois. We visited family, friends, and familiar places. Even though our house is in Arizona, home will always be in Illinois. Hopefully we'll be able to move back there sometime within the next couple of years. Enjoy some pictures from our trip.

After our Chicago trip we stuck around in Arizona for about four days, then headed off for a long weekend in Disneyland. It was Ellie's first experience with a major theme park, and she did great! I'm happy she's not one of those kids that screams bloody murder at the sight of a life-size Mickey Mouse. To the contrary, she thought he was the coolest thing ever. Some pics for you to enjoy of our Disneyrrific fun: